Thursday, June 21, 2007

My Dots for Thursday, June 21, 2007

A column by Ben Stein about diagnosing the American auto industry. I was having this argument with somebody a couple days ago. He was repeating the official line about how the Big Three are failing because of health and pension costs. Stein says that's a mound of b.s. Is it the price that keeps people from buying G.M./Ford/Chrysler? No, it's the quality of the cars.

Quoted: It’s not the workers’ fault, even though they will be blamed for it because they are the punching bag at this point. It’s management’s fault. Time to put the bean counters out to pasture and to install people who will design and make cars that dreams are made of. It’s not too late.

See the rest of my Dots at Blue Dot

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